The most important milestones in the
development of human rights



Magna Charta 


Petition of Rights (England)


Habeas Corpus Act (England)


Virginia Bill of Rights (USA)


American Declaration of Independence


Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen during the French Revolution

26 June 1945

United Nations Charta

10 December 1948

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

4 November 1950

European Human Rights Convention

19 December 1966

International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights


International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

22 November 1969

American Convention on Human Rights

01 August 1975

CSCE - Helsinki Final Act

27 June 1981

African (Banjul) Charta on Human and People's Rights

19 September 1981

Universal Islamic Declaration of Human Rights

14 June 1992

The Rio Declaration on Environment and Development

June 1993

World conference on Human Rights (Vienna): Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action


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